Anyone go through periods of time where you are not regressing, but you are not progressing?
Perhaps you have a game OR a performance where you made plays or sang notes that you shocked yourself with. Not that you doubt yourself... but for whatever reason the "IT" factor came together in that few hours. One of my voice teachers mentioned a great quote to me years ago.... when preparedness meets opportunity..... that is when success happens.
So what is preparedness? It's different to everyone I believe and it is based on what exactly it is that person is trying to achieve or contribute in life. So what level of preparedness am I talking about?
Let's talk Hockey first. How many times have you personally had that moment as a player when that little black disc zeros its eyes directly on you and makes a beeline for you? I have had it many times, more than I can count. And so many times due to lack of practice and thus lack of confidence.... nerves and over excitement take the place of focused execution and decision making. Suddenly you look behind you and someone else has your puck! I had to do this drill above 50 times to score. But just because I practiced in this one session does not mean I am prepared!
Its the same with live stage performance, especially in audition situations. This is your 5-10 minutes to show them a world in which YOU are the star and thus why they should hire you. Usually you are a different space every time, though sometimes you will return to the same audition spaces. Different set up, different people and many times different pianist creates an unpredictable vibe. The fact is you've sung that aria a zillion times... right? But just like in hockey, the variables during play can very much challenge your solidarity and confidence... ending in lack of focus. I rehearsed this opera above for 7 weeks to get this one moment perfect... it paid off. But, could I go back and do this right now and be totally prepared? No, because I have not continually rehearsed this after the show closed and am not totally ready!
So what are we doing here? Are we prepared or are we not? Lately I have felt behind in the preparedness battle in LIFE. Like I am watching from the sidelines sometimes while others are playing their hearts out. Ever feel like that?
Like that puck coming at me... I know I can one time it hard. I've done it in practice. But how many times? It is the same with singing. You really have sing an aria into your body and into your voice for it to become part of you. Then you are offering a piece of YOURSELF. And isn't that what you are trying to sell? On your hockey team, are you not striving to be that player that is dependable and makes plays? How many times does it take to get something into your body? Is my body core strong enough to take a bump or a hit and stay steady and stay on my feet?
Is my soul core strong enough to lay myself open emotionally and deliver a dramatic moving experience for someone watching me sing?
The answer is different for everyone. Some are more talented at singing than others. Some are more talented skaters than others.... some faster... some have great stick skills.... some have incredible dramatic interpretation in any moment. But I've seen more amazing talent wasted because they were not prepared. I've experienced this and missed the boat in the past. I don't intend to do that again.
The answer here: BE HONEST with yourself. What are your best attributes? What are your weak spots? How many times does it take YOU to get to that place where you are prepared to make that game winning goal? To make it every time??? Is your confidence lacking and in need of an overhaul?
In the end, knowing yourself fully and honestly and facing that person will be the only way to actually make progress. Lie to yourself? Not so much.
Just look at RAW you in the mirror and start making that list of TO DO's you will need to check off one by one. The day we stop improving or striving for better.... that's the day we die inside. Months from now..... you will see your hard work come to fruition.
This blog was meant for ME especially. I just love to share my battles especially when I know it can help others.
That's yours!!!!! Dig in some deep edges and accelerate to it!
That is MY moment! Fight for yours too!!!!!
Absolutely powerful with a dynamite conclusion. Excellent writing in every way.