Originally posted 2011
So being an opera singer, being accustomed to stage lights and the need for stage make up....not to mention having 1,001 make up tricks to keep the make up, eyeliner, lip stain and base from running because of sweating under the lights..... I've certainly learned how to keep make up CEMENTED on my face to last through ANY condition (from stage kisses to being checked into the boards, lolol)
First time I went to practice hockey, I had regular daily make up on. I thought "I'll sweat a little maybe, I'll be ok" When I came off the ice with raccoon eyes, I KNEW this was going to require me to pull out the BIG GUNS.

Well, maybe not THAT big.
I seriously do however use the same stage techniques to apply my make up to play hockey in. I mean, A Diva can play hockey, but don't forget, still a DIVA. Make up required.

Lipstick in a locker room?? Ohh yes indeed, when the DIVA is present!!! A little rouge and lip color goes a LONG way in a face-off situation!!!
My make up must be able to withstand conditions like THIS:

It MUST be able to withstand the HOT and SWEATY conditions in the helmet!

And, though the hair is a complete loss.... Madame Butterfly's Porcelain look still exists after the game!!!

In the end, hockey is yet another chance for me to PERFORM. Granted, no standing Ovations or autograph signings or newspaper reviews..... but as long as my team is happy with OUR performance... I'm happy. And if I can go home looking as put together as when I came...... DIVA IS REALLY HAPPY!!!

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