Monday, April 15, 2013

So I hum and purr during games! What's the big deal???

Basically, the cold temperature of the ice rink is not the greatest for the voice. Granted, once I get skating hard the body warms very quickly and before I know it I am not cold in the very least. But I still have to protect my money maker by keeping it warm the same way a baseball pitcher throws a jacket over his pitching arm to keep it prevents injury.

So instead of yelling cheers for my team (sometimes it happens lolol) I choose to purrrrrr like Eartha Kitt did and hummm as I'm skating down and up ice. Once or twice I think a couple of my comrades looked over with a confused, but oddly appreciative expression hahahahah!

Next time you have to face my team the Average Joes...(NO not the Sloppy Joes, or the Above Average Joes, or even the Ordinary Joes) ....And you see my pink laces skate out onto the ice.... Just listen for anything out of place..... It's likely your friendly neighborhood Diva.

My strange sounds DO have a purpose.
This avatar of me is kinda creepy huh.

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